It will add a lot of materials which will give you a complete modern European look including furniture, decor, art and more which will turn things around completely.

Once restored install the GTA V disc and one. Also Read: Top GTA V Mods Available for Use.

** A PC that can comfortably run GTA 5 vanilla at a decent FPS. Within the 'scripts' folder you just created, you'll see an 'addins' folder. PlayStation 3 (PS3) Install the PKG from above for your game version (Install over title update 1.16) using "Install Package Files" in the XMB. 4: Can someone tell me what programs I would need to already install on My PC before atemting to download the Mod such as Win Rar and stuff?. The Doomsday Heist ACT 2 Porting to GTA ONLINE - OFFLINE MOD. Download either BLUS or BLES FILE ABOVE 2. Surely you know what jailbroken means… If you want to mod offline (story mode) but don’t have a jailbreak, the closest you’ll get is using a save editor such as: Hazards Save Editor. i have a ps3 with a CFW.i play GTA V only offline.and i want to know how to replace cars models like on pcs.for exemple : sultan Mitsubishi lancer or Subaru etctutorials, videos, and the programs to do that please.i dont know why i … Discussion in 'GTA V' started by STLcardsWS, Oct 26, 2014. Plug into ps3 (Right slot) and restore the backup via GTA 5: How to get “MOD MENUS” ” … 3. release 1.27/ps3 gta 5 mod menu | offline/online | no jailbreak! Open GTA 5 Online Money Hack. 3: Can somebody explain to me the full process on How to mod GTA 5 using a USB? GTA 5 is a mission game in which you are getting bored at a specific time. 2: Are Mod Menus usable Offline? 1: Is it even possible to Mod GTA 5 Offline? Grand Theft Auto V (OFFLINE Mod): Console Trainer by EvilB. 5: How to activate the Mod? GTA 5 Mods For PS3 – A Overview: GTA V is a vibrant game and its available on all gaming consoles. Run the exe installer and extract files 3. Plop them in the same folder as before: \SteamApps\common\Grand Theft Auto V\.